
Another Rejection

Today, I got another call of rejection, but it hurt a little more, as it was from my own company, obviously a different location. I had no hopes from it anyway, but I guess, we all have a little hope somewhere in the corner stored! Now not only other companies, even my own company is not hiring me! I know its funny, but what is not, is what is happening with me! How can someone face so many rejections from application to interviews? How can I spoil everything? 10 yrs of career, I thought I do good job, but guess no-one else feels that! Feels like I have frozen with time, while the world around me to traveling with the speed of light. New guys are getting better package than me, people are shifting companies after companies, increasing their package to 3-4 times and I'm stuck! Whose fault is that? May be I stayed a little longer! May be I dnt feel like moving, May be I enjoyed my work, but so what? that doesn't give me promotion or job!  I do not know whether anything is going t